Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Geode Necklace

I haven't posted anything in way too long! I made this necklace for my mother in law for her birthday. The pendant is a slice of geode. I used copper wire and findings. I snapped a quick picture. I need to get a better one when we have a nice, bright day. Really hope she likes it. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I received this award from ~ http://craftingmisfit.blogspot.com/. Go check out her blog. She is very talented and I am very honored to be chosen for this award. Thanks!!!

Now I am to pay the award forward to 8 other talented people and tell you 8 things about myself.

Here are the people I would like to honor with this award:

1. http://bugbites411.blogspot.com/
2. http://chick-n-scrap.blogspot.com/
3. http://www.craftjunkietoo.com/
4. http://expressionbypinke.blogspot.com/
5. http://msscrappycreations.blogspot.com/
6. http://www.obsessedwithscrapbooking.com/
7. http://okieladybugsscrapnmore.blogspot.com/
8. http://sueannscrafts.blogspot.com/

All of these ladies are very talented. I hope you will check out their blogs.

8 Things about myself:

1. I am a home schooling mom to two wonderful children ~ son (15) and daugher (13).
2. I love to browse stores for those special and hidden steals. Nothing more exciting than finding a crafting supply on clearance!
3. I am gluten intolerant.
4. I love to learn new things, especially if they involve crafting.
5. My family, both immediate and extended, is my number one priority in life. They are my unconditional support system.
6. My faith is very important to me.
7. I love to help others.
8. I wish that life and society would get back to the basics so people can have more time for family and friends.

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate all comments. Please share what you are thinking :0)

Blog Awards

I had the honor of receiving the Liebster Award from two different people:

Raechel ~ http://raechelscards.blogspot.com/


Sherri ~ http://sherri-ladybugscrapperfriend.blogspot.com/

Thanks you so much ladies :0)

Now, as a recipient of the Liebster Award, I am to reveal 3 - 5 blog picks and :
1. Let them know I chose them.
2. Copy and paste the award on my blog.
3. Have faith that my followers will rally and show their crafty love back out to those awarded.
4. Have fun!

So, I award the Liebster Award to:


Thanks ladies for sharing. I love browsing your blogs for inspiration.